Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Positive Attitude

Lately, I have heard (more than twice) that I need to work on my attitude; or my “‘tude” as I like to call it.

I have always wondered why I get stuck with stupid people. People that will ask you the same question a gazillion times, expecting different answers. “No dumbass, he hasn’t called yet! I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN HE DOES!”
Why can’t these people go take a long walk on a short pier and leave me alone?! Jeez! Quit your nagging already, fuck.


Was that a little outburst of bad ‘tude or what?! LOL

Nah. I just have no tolerance for stupid people, with their stupid issues, and their stupid questions. Ever noticed how these people think their stupid issues are the most critical, important, life-threatening fucking issues on the planet? Now THAT annoys me.

See, I have issues, too, you know. But I don’t think my issues are the most fucking important thing since Bush won the elections (TWICE). Don’t get me wrong, I’m still waiting to hit the lotto, and that’s a big fucking issue for me, but I don’t bug everyone with it. I just keep waiting… Waiting for that faithful Wednesday or Saturday where all my six numbers match and I have a fucking fit of happiness! OMG, none of you losers will ever hear from me again! Ha-ha.

OMG, this is like the longest day of my life. I can’t wait to go home and see my little nuggets. I really need a vacation.

Back on the subject…

I also have NO tolerance for nosy people. Why do you got to be all up my grill??! Get away from me, you fuck!

I work in an office (if you can’t tell that my now). I’m the office bitch. I sit at the front desk and take it up the a*hole all day. My desk is usually a mess, paperwork everywhere. And I always get those nosy sales reps all up my face, touching my papers, asking me all kinds of stupid questions! OMG! That pisses me off! “Ooh, whose account is that?”; “Ooh, what’s going on there?”; “Ooh, who’s that? What’s that? Where’s that?” URGH!!!!!!!!!!!! My blood is boiling just thinking about it! (I like the little “Ooh”! It’s an annoying little touch, don’t you think?)

It’s kind of hard to keep a smiley face 40-hours a week while taking it up the back door. Hmm… That sounded a little harsh. Maybe I do need to “lose the ‘tude, dude”.

Nah… FUCK THAT (no! not the back door again!!! Ouch)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Best BLOG ever!
Love it! Keep it up culito!
And never, ever lose the 'tude dude!