Monday, November 10, 2008

"We're all in this together"

Wow! What a crock of shit!

So after my fabulous three days vacation, I'm back in the hole.

We had a company-wide meeting first thing this morning. Great.

All right, so the economy really sucks right now, and everybody is hurting. We need to cut costs. So we have two options: Fire more people or take a pay cut. Four days work week.


So, Mr. Hot Stuff says "We're all in this together". Motherfucker, I'm broke! I'm sure your ass is not broke! We're all in this together?! BITCH PUH-LEASE!!! Your ass is not taking a pay cut! You're still working 40-hours a week and certainly getting generously reimbursed for it too.
So, we're all in this together, but only the hourly employees are taking a pay cut. The big shots making all the big bucks are not being affected. For all they care, they'll take another fucking vacation to the Caribbean, they don't give a rat's ass. Oh yeah, they just laid off five people last month, is cutting our hours by -8 a week, and just took a $40K (yes, as in forty-thousand dollars - $40,000) trip to the Caribbean last month.

I'm glad I have a job, I'm thankful, I really am. But please don't try to compare yourself/selves to the rest of us. I'm not fucking stupid, and we are NOT in this together. At the end of the day, your ass still lives comfortably, your 401K is untouched, your car and house is paid off, and the rest of us is struggling to pay the rent.



Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I give up!

So, this guy at work has been a total jerk to me, right?
I decided to suck it up, and write him a nice little note, apologizing for whatever I could have done that pissed him off (which I have no idea what I could have done to get him so angry).

Anyway, I left him this gay little note with purple print and cute flowers and little gay-ass bird on his desk Friday night.

So he walks into our Monday morning meeting with the envolope on his hands. The meeting goes on, and he is reading this shit. I couldn't even look him, I was so embarrased.

Afterwards, our manager, Mini-mullet guy, calls both of us into his office to have a nice little pow-wow. Couples therapy kind of meeting. After half hour of blah blah blah, Mini-mullet asks if we want to say anything. Once again, my stupid ass sucks it up and says "If I have done anything to annoy you or that you found disrespectful, I apologize. But I can't fix what I don't know is wrong." All he had to say was "I think we should work on our communication."

Well, it is now Tuesday at 3:30PM and he hasn't said shit about the fucking note. So much for communicating.

How gay.

LOL at this picture!

I was looking for a new template for this blog, but everything out there is so cheesy. WTF?

There should be a template with my face on it, I'm too fucking cool! Hahahahahahah

I'm so fucking bored.

Go sell something and leave me alone!!!

OMG! I can't wait for my 3 days paid vacation!
See, there is a little bright side to being an office bitch. At least I get to pretend I'm cool enough to not have to work for a few days.

So this morning I was the first one to come in. Everybody was late due to the election. I wish I could vote... I'm so excited to find out who will be running this mess next. Shiet... Now that's what you call THE office bitch (Oval office, son!) - that shit is MAY-JAH!


So stupid ass comes in, and as usual she just HAS to ask me: "Hey, what's going on here? Anything? Who's here? Anybody? Where's so and so?" OMG! Why the fuck do you care? You're not anybody's boss! Why do you give a shit where people are? Besides, it's too freaking early for anything to go on! Fucking A! Do you really have to bug me with your stupid questions first thing in the morning? Damn, son!

It's not even 11AM and I'm already annoyed. I'm really not a morning person. Actually, I just can't fucking stand her annoying ass. OMG! Go sell something and leave me alone!!!!


Let's see how the rest of day goes.

Positive Attitude

Lately, I have heard (more than twice) that I need to work on my attitude; or my “‘tude” as I like to call it.

I have always wondered why I get stuck with stupid people. People that will ask you the same question a gazillion times, expecting different answers. “No dumbass, he hasn’t called yet! I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN HE DOES!”
Why can’t these people go take a long walk on a short pier and leave me alone?! Jeez! Quit your nagging already, fuck.


Was that a little outburst of bad ‘tude or what?! LOL

Nah. I just have no tolerance for stupid people, with their stupid issues, and their stupid questions. Ever noticed how these people think their stupid issues are the most critical, important, life-threatening fucking issues on the planet? Now THAT annoys me.

See, I have issues, too, you know. But I don’t think my issues are the most fucking important thing since Bush won the elections (TWICE). Don’t get me wrong, I’m still waiting to hit the lotto, and that’s a big fucking issue for me, but I don’t bug everyone with it. I just keep waiting… Waiting for that faithful Wednesday or Saturday where all my six numbers match and I have a fucking fit of happiness! OMG, none of you losers will ever hear from me again! Ha-ha.

OMG, this is like the longest day of my life. I can’t wait to go home and see my little nuggets. I really need a vacation.

Back on the subject…

I also have NO tolerance for nosy people. Why do you got to be all up my grill??! Get away from me, you fuck!

I work in an office (if you can’t tell that my now). I’m the office bitch. I sit at the front desk and take it up the a*hole all day. My desk is usually a mess, paperwork everywhere. And I always get those nosy sales reps all up my face, touching my papers, asking me all kinds of stupid questions! OMG! That pisses me off! “Ooh, whose account is that?”; “Ooh, what’s going on there?”; “Ooh, who’s that? What’s that? Where’s that?” URGH!!!!!!!!!!!! My blood is boiling just thinking about it! (I like the little “Ooh”! It’s an annoying little touch, don’t you think?)

It’s kind of hard to keep a smiley face 40-hours a week while taking it up the back door. Hmm… That sounded a little harsh. Maybe I do need to “lose the ‘tude, dude”.

Nah… FUCK THAT (no! not the back door again!!! Ouch)